Courses; Module Topics:

General, Supervisory & Property Management

LHA's management curricula include courses and programs that might be considered to be executive management oriented, in that an emphasis is placed on the supervision of a hospitality property as a whole, including planning, property management & supervision of the individual subsidiary departments. However, the courses of study range from a full, multi-year management program to a high-intensity, comprehensive program of study for independent hotel operators, which is intended to be completed in the equivalent of one semester. 

Courses, Concentrations - Certifications:

Mgt Training Course for Independent hotels

 LHA Certificate

The core of this course consists of approximately 14 sessions & a final examination. However, this is supplemented by other modules that make this program is a comprehensive management & operations course. While the course is intended primarily for independent properties ranging from B&B's to independent boutique hotels; it is a valuable all-around training program for the operator of any hospitality operation (ranging up to mid-size of, say, 150 "keys") who doesn't have the time or resources for a multi-year hospitality education. Emphasis is placed of surviving and succeeding against larger, more heavily funded competition.

Hospality Supervisor Certificate

 AHA &/or LHA 

Suitable for any hospitality employee or executive whose position involves a large measure of supervision of others.

Download Full Course Description/Syllabus

Diploma Program in Hotel Mgt

 CTH Diplomas; Levels 4 &/or 5...See Baccalaureate Equivalent Curriculum for specific modules

These diplomans each equate to a full year of hospitality study at a traditional university.

2 "undergraduate" years of modules (Levels 4 & 5) are offered by LHA

Level 6: 1 year of modules for advanced placement "post-graduate" studies -- FUTURE

(LHA is pursuing acceptance of these programs for advanced student placement in US undergraduate/graduate institutions, as is already possible elsewhere in the world.)

Baccalaureate Equivalent Curriculum 

Combining the CTH Level 4 & 5 resident Diplomas program with online courses and credit by exams provide the successful student with a Baccalaureate Equavlent equal to the educational content of a four-year BS in Hospitality Mgt...128 credits; and multiple professional certifications. Discussions are being pursued to acquire full certication of the program thru a regionally accredited college. Get your Baccalaureate Equivalent in barely more than 2 years at a fraction of the cost of traditional college.

Hotel Rehab Planning & Execution***

AHLEI & LHA Certificate

   ***Includes study of "greening" & hi-tech upgrade options & design considerations



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